Monday, March 12, 2012

Postmodernism YEA! by Derek Dunn

The thing I'm finding about post-modernism is that when you immerse yourself in it, pretty much everything becomes some sort of post-modern statement. I've done this to the point that I think Kanye West holds some sort of post as a post-modern demi-god, but don't let that stop you from taking these recommendations of my favorite post-modern art seriously!

Movie: Blade Runner- Not only is this one of the most visually impressive movies I've ever seen, the main conflict asks intriguing questions about our humanity in the world of evolving technology.

Photographer: Gregory Crewdson- Maybe a bit obvious, but he's probably my favorite photographer. Crewdson takes cues from Sherman, Hopper, Lynch, and many others to construct elaborate cinematic images. This relation to cinema helps Crewdson to draw forward dark subconscious imagery from our shared experiences at the movies, on tv, and even from the history of photography. Click for a short clip examining his work.

Fiction: Neuromancer- I just finished this one and was blown away. Like Blade Runner, it plays the Noire Sci-Fi genre. Also like Blade Runner, it deals with the relationship between humanity and technology. Blade Runner, however, deals mainly with changing morality, while Neuromancer revolves around the changing metaphysics that come with our evolving views of reality. It's also beautifully written and subtle, if a little hard to follow. It's much like a Philip K. Dick book in that, right at the climax, a deep confusion sets in and the writing becomes almost indecipherable in its self-conscious desperation for meaning.

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