Thursday, March 28, 2013

Henry Horenstein by Neil Hostler

The project I am currently working on involves photographing gymnasts during practices. This is a sport that falls outside the mainstream and demands a high level of commitment and dedication. My goal is to capture moments during practices that reveal the struggle, exhertion, and brotherhood that forms amongst teammates after countless hours of training together. An artist that I found to be interesting and relatable is Henri Horenstein, and body of work titled Speedway.

Speedway is a series mostly consisting of portraits. The portraits are of people attending what could be assumed to be a regular racing event. I found the characteristics of the people to be very interesting. The subjects of the pictures are individuals, pairs of people, and families; it is the people in each photo that are the primary focus, and each of their appearances describes so much to the viewer about where and when this event is taking place. Through his photos it seems that Horenstein is documenting a ritual to which these people are dedicated to and look forward to.

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