Wednesday, April 25, 2012

How to Make Money From Photography by Elena

As a photographer, I’m asked one question over and over again. How do I make money from photography? I would say almost everyone I know owns a camera in one form or another, but only very few of them have found a way to turn a profit from their photos. Today we’re going to suggest a few quick ideas you might not have tried before!

Shoot and Sell Stock Photography

Taking stock photos has never been easier. The principal being simply go out and shoot high-quality photos, upload them to a stock website and then wait for people to buy them (for use in magazines, websites, design – you name it).
People are after all different types of stock images – from textures to fashion models. My advice would be to shoot one particular style of stock and become good at what you do. Trying to sell a random mix is often difficult, as my fellow friends have found. When people view your images, they often look for a collection of the same kind.
If you are thinking about selling stock as a complete beginner, you might be frustrated at first. Many stock photo websites have a high standard, and you may need to brush up on various aspects of your photography before you start seeing success!
Good sites to sell stock photography include:
  • iStockPhoto – One of the best known stock websites, although you have to reach certain criteria to be accepted
  • Getty Images – Sells a high range of different styles of stocks – very pro!
  • Jupiter images – One of the leading stock sites at the current time.
  • Fotolia – Very popular, but with thousands of images, yours can easily be hidden.
We covered a few more of these in our article entitled 15 Stock Photography Sites to Sell Your Photos – For Beginners and Pros.

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