Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Center for Photographic Art Juried Competition [Sarah]

Only a couple more weeks to submit work into this exhibition!

2013 Center for Photographic Art Juried Exhibition
Submissions cutoff November 11, 2012, Winners announced December 1, 2012
The Center for Photographic Art (CPA) is pleased to announce our 2013 Juried Exhibition (JE2013). The jurors will award three cash prizes: $1000 for first place, $500 for second place, and $250 for the third place image. Approximately fifty images will be selected to be exhibited in the CPA gallery in Carmel. These and an additional one hundred images will be shown in the on-line gallery and published in catalogs of the exhibition.
Dean Brierly Editor of B&W Magazine.
Chris Johnson Full Professor of Photography for the California College of the Arts.

Go HERE to sign up and submit your work! 

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