Sunday, May 12, 2013

Black & Blue 2013 by Dana Geisler

Artist Submission Invitiation to La Grande-Messe d'Art Black & Blue 2013

Calls for Submissions - Acrylic, Digital Media, Glass, Mosaic, Illustration, Mixed media, Sculpture, Oil, Pastel, Watercolor - Other
It is our distinct pleasure to personally invite you, as an artist, to consider joining us in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, from October 12-14th, 2013, for ‘La Grande-Messe d’Art’ Black & Blue, a new mega interactive artistic blow-out, happening during the renowned Black & Blue Festival. Culturally, “La Grande-Messe” basically means in French an “All Encompassing Extravaganza”, and 2013 is the first year debut edition of this major multi-media artistic and mixed entertainment component of the Festival. The literal translation of Grande-Messe is: High-Mass. This is to be a key novel special activity tied to the signature and world-famous Black & Blue Festival of the BBCM Foundation, which is a non-profit organization that has a long history of organizing spectacular parties that raise essential funds and provide other services that are contributed towards a variety of community groups in the gay community and in the direct care field of people living with HIV/AIDS. We are thus exclusively inviting international artists like yourself to participate and perform an original artistic creation at La Grande-Messe d’Art Black & Blue 2013! For more information please email us and we will send you the full Artist Submission Invitation Letter. Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you!

BBCM Foundation, 2259, Avenue Old Orchard, Montreal, H4A 3A7, Canada
Posted : 2013-04-28

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